I See My Future In An Instant And There It Goes...

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; and the realist adjusts the sails" These words inspire me a lot. I'd like to think that I adjust to the sails...Welcome to my site, I hope you enjoy your time here...Don't forget to sign the tag-board or guest book please!!!

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Gah! Sorry Chris! Jesus why didn't I read your entry sooner!!? Shekainah is a freshman this year dear not a junior. I'm positive, Lladie would know. (Plus I she's a first year in ROTC) Sorry Chris! I can't believe they lied to you too...But I gotta watch out for my friends... ::hug::


:: My boy is 18!!:: Now we can get arrested together like Thelma and Louis and trialed for the death penalty too! We are now vunerable to get slapped with a saggetory rape lawsuit and we can gamble at Chumash! Buahaha! We can legally smoke, vote, and sign for your own papers at docters and such. best of all, we can buy the lotto and scratchers too!
Lladira at 10:50 PM

QUOTE OF THE DAY!: "Saying it's impossible, is not dreaming at all." -- ME!! ha I've finally been inspired...

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